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This resource library is a collection of tools and informational resources to help RCP Program grantees and prospective grantees scope, address, and better define key aspects of their community reconnection projects.

Filter resources by the community reconnection themes listed in the menu below.

RCI Resources

The Reconnecting Communities Institute (RCI) has published resources to help communities advance their reconnection projects. From templates to guidance documents, these resources focus on enabling communities to use data, build capacity, and strengthen projects throughout their lifecycles. RCI will continue to add resources to this page as they are developed.

Preparing a Grant Agreement for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program

This guide shares actionable tips and best practices for clearly, efficiently, and accurately filling out a Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program grant agreement (once awarded).

Resource Database: Free Software, Tools, and Data | Reconnecting Communities Institute

This resource guides users to identify free software, tools, and sources of data for their reconnection projects. Users can filter by topic, audience, and transportation mode to find the right resources for them.